Joogalla on ihmeellisiä vaikutuksia ihmiskehoon: Se auttaa paranemaan niin henkisesti kuin fyysisesti.
Joogaohjaaja Heidi Williams parani raiskauksen aiheuttamasta syvästä masennuksesta joogan avulla. Hän perusti Facebookiin tukiryhmän masennuksesta kärsiville , ja nyt hän haluaa jakaa joogan parantavaa voimaa inspiraationa myös Instagramissa, missä Williamsilla onkin jo yli 30 000 seuraajaa – eikä ihme.
Williamsin joogakuvat ovat jotain ainutlaatuista:
A LETTER TO MY LOVERS WHO ARE DEPRESSED: We live in a world where being happy is not only sought after, but also respected, honored, admired and valued. Much like being thin. It can be isolating to not fit into that category. Often times, it is felt that the depression is your fault. Or your punishment for not doing life right. And it feels as though you are somehow ”less” than others. Because in revering happiness so much as we do, we tend to look down on sadness. As though it isn’t valuable enough to be heard or appreciated. Listen to me. Your worth does not depend on your feelings. Just because you can’t offer sunshine doesn’t mean that your rain isn’t needed. Often people talk about learning to ”dance in the rain.” But they have no advice on learning how to live in the rain. It is a dance. But it’s one of survival. Not celebration. Know that your experience is valuable. Not just to you, but to society. Know that your feelings matter. Your thoughts matter. Know that even in a life void of happiness, you can still find love. And in that love is where you will find yourself. Know that the divine light inside of you never goes out. Because it is not a light of happiness. It is a light of love. And that light will carry you. It will reach into the darkest places where you are right now and it will hold you. It will comfort you. It will heal your broken heart. Because hearts don’t need happiness to thrive. They need love. Not from other people. But from you. Your heart, your mind, your body needs your love. So be gentle with yourself. Honor your journey. Respect your feelings. Because you are worth it. ……………………………………………………. This is today’s pose for #admireandaspire I’ve been wanting to play along with this challenge, but have been unable to do any of the poses. Lol so I was thrilled to see one I can do! @yogi_eric is the creator of this beauty. Check out his fantastic feed of inspiration. 😙😙😙
Kuva, jonka heidiwilliams89 (@heidiwilliams89) julkaisi 28. 09ta 2015 klo 15.04 PDT
Lähde: Bored Panda
Kuva: Heidi Williams / Instagram